
译味译境 |《小石潭记》(英汉对照)

2017-02-08 商务印书馆英语编辑室







The Little Stone Pond West of the Hillock

by Liu Zongyuan

One hundred and twenty steps west of the hillock, the singing of flowing water could be heard at the other end of the bamboo grove. Joyous at the sound which was just like the ringing of jade jewelry, I cut some bamboo and made my way forward. A little pond appeared at last, the water in it clear and cool. The bottom of the pond was made of a single stone, the edge of which, close to the bank, rolled up above the water, forming all kinds of shapes. All around it were green trees and vines, wrapping around each other freely and flying in the wind. It seemed that the one-hundred-or-so fish in the pond were swimming in the air, with nothing to hold them up. The sunlight went through the water and shone directly on the bottom, projecting onto the stone the still shadows of the fish, which after a while would dart away swiftly with a sudden stir. Sometimes they swam around briskly and freely, as if playing with the viewers.

Looking southwest, a winding stream could some­times be clearly seen where there were no woods concealing it. The stones on the banks of the stream were as rugged as fangs. Yet I could not see where it came from. Now sit­ting by the water of the pond, surrounded by the woods and bamboo, I could hear no human sounds. I felt dreary in my heart and cold to the bone. It was much too quiet and would make one depressed. For this reason it was not a good place to stay long. I left after making notes about the pond.

Traveling companions: Wu Wuling, Gong Gu, and my brother Liu Zongxuan. Two young men named Cui Shuji and Cui Fengyi accompanied us.





